
Showing posts from 2016

Food for Thought #1

An Introduction The premise of this section is to provide some random, deeper thoughts or ideas in a paragraph or less. Just little tidbits of science or less developed concepts introduced to the world and your brain for fun and less for a module of scientific research. The hope is that it will allow for intermittent entries to fill the gap between my larger articles. Enjoy! As I slapped a mosquito the other day, I considered the idea that these infernal bugs required blood to reproduce. Relating to darwinism, it shows that reproduction is the vessel of nature in some way or another to pass genes on. So this means that the only mosquito's with the ability to spread their genetic coding are also  the mosquito's that dodge my attempts to squash them. The one's that sneak up behind me, or run away when I swat at them the first time, only to return when I'm less weary. The mosquito's that use group tactics to distract or fly faster and take more blood...  The

Is Pokemon Capitalist Propaganda?

IS POKEMON CAPITALIST PROPAGANDA? In short, no. But don’t stop reading now, because that has more to do with the underlying motivations of propaganda and less to do with the conspicuous metaphors, analogies and subsequent conclusions that can be extrapolated from this hit franchise. So join me, and lets meticulously ingest this game series bit by bit. * Haha, bit… because… it’s a game ...And... Bits. First the premise of the game. With the recent outbreak of the new installation Pokemon GO on the public stage and versely, the rapid rise in Nintendo’s stocks, the concept of carrying various themes of diverse, powerful monsters in pocket sized spheres and utilizing them to combat, trade and adore has become quite ubiquitous. But Pokemon GO only scratches the surface that dedicated fans- * Cough Cough Me Cough -have been exploring for years. By only analyzing the more commonly accepted spin of the game, one misses out on the overly dramatized plots, trademark locations in

Status Update

It's been quite some time, but I assure you I'm still alive and motivated. The next article will hit soon, as it is nearing completion.  But I promise it will be well worth the wait.  Stay tuned!
Cultural Dogmatism A while back in my evolutionary psychology class my teacher introduced the idea of memetics. This idea is so obscure my writing software is rejecting it via red underline. In any event the school of thought was extremely intriguing, and I hope to share it with you today as well as join the fight against cultural dogmatism. In every biology class that is a biology class and has been a biology class since the great Charles Darwin introduced the idea of natural selection, such a theory is indoctrinated into the curriculum and ultimately subjects of the classes' heads. The overall idea can be summarized in a very simple manner. Nature is painted as an employer looking to hire those who can survive its many dangers. Selection occurs through the use of natural disasters, predators, sickness and anything else it can muster, ultimately unveiling who can brave all of the mentioned challenges presented by the ecological location an organism is located in. Those inca

Music and Personality Survey

The upcoming article will analyze data from the data collected from the following survey! The goal will be to share informative science based on the brain and its structure regarding music preferences, as well as evaluating an evolutionary theory for its credibility. Thank you for your time! -Richard

Self Determination and Educational Foundation

What would happen if school was a place to help students excel at anything they chose to do? Since the first humans, a concern for learning and a thirst to understand the world has been very prominent. As civilizations rose from the ground, primitive governments emerged and systems of working communities were constructed. It quickly came apparent that a deep comprehension of the earth and how it worked was satisfying, powerful, and greatly enhanced the quality of life. Babylon, Greece and Rome are all good examples of this. Travel through time and  you would see the importance of knowledge in the lives of humans. It shaped society, created and resolved conflict, was manipulated and abused by governments and private industries, unlocked secrets, solved problems, and exponentially increased the progress of human existence. In early monarchies, education was a tool to enslave the subjects of the system. For examples of this, look to the English church during the middle age