
Showing posts from May, 2016

Self Determination and Educational Foundation

What would happen if school was a place to help students excel at anything they chose to do? Since the first humans, a concern for learning and a thirst to understand the world has been very prominent. As civilizations rose from the ground, primitive governments emerged and systems of working communities were constructed. It quickly came apparent that a deep comprehension of the earth and how it worked was satisfying, powerful, and greatly enhanced the quality of life. Babylon, Greece and Rome are all good examples of this. Travel through time and  you would see the importance of knowledge in the lives of humans. It shaped society, created and resolved conflict, was manipulated and abused by governments and private industries, unlocked secrets, solved problems, and exponentially increased the progress of human existence. In early monarchies, education was a tool to enslave the subjects of the system. For examples of this, look to the English church during the middle age