
Showing posts from August, 2017

Blog Update: A new direction

So as time has passed, I’ve been less and less motivated to publish articles here. It’s just become harder for me to embrace each project with the same enthusiasm I used to be able to. The reason? The narrative and identity of this blog being far too narrow. Things I want to project and share just don’t fit the theme I’ve modeled for the blog. I still of course, love cereal, cats and science, however I love a whole lot of other things that these categories exclude quite abruptly. Obviously anything could be considered a science to some degree, but to abuse the subjective nature of the English language and exploit the ambiguity of titles in order of capitulating to laziness seems… * Well, lazy. Lame. So I figured instead of acting like a boat clumsily but esoterically unanchored slowly drifting away from shore and gaslighting everyone at each meter until eventually appearing (to the dismay of every owner or passenger or whatnot I’m sure) on the distant horizon far from