
Showing posts from November, 2016

Food for Thought #1

An Introduction The premise of this section is to provide some random, deeper thoughts or ideas in a paragraph or less. Just little tidbits of science or less developed concepts introduced to the world and your brain for fun and less for a module of scientific research. The hope is that it will allow for intermittent entries to fill the gap between my larger articles. Enjoy! As I slapped a mosquito the other day, I considered the idea that these infernal bugs required blood to reproduce. Relating to darwinism, it shows that reproduction is the vessel of nature in some way or another to pass genes on. So this means that the only mosquito's with the ability to spread their genetic coding are also  the mosquito's that dodge my attempts to squash them. The one's that sneak up behind me, or run away when I swat at them the first time, only to return when I'm less weary. The mosquito's that use group tactics to distract or fly faster and take more blood...  The